Sunday, February 26, 2017

Feeling great!

     I know I haven't been posting as often as I used to. Usually this means I'm not doing well and don't want to face it. But, I am proud to say, this isn't the case right now. I am down 14.4 pounds since January 1st and I feel the best I have felt in a really long time! It could be more, but it most certainly could be less.
     This time around I am really working on living life while losing weight. I'm learning to accept that there will be times when I'm not in control and might gain a little, but I do the best I can do with what I've got and then get right back on track when I am able to. There are going to be weekends here and there when I don't eat the best and am not able to work out, and I'm trying to be ok with that.
     Roger has started to join me at the gym and I love it! Today I did the elliptical for the first time and I actually kind of enjoyed it! I am going to try to come up with a good cardio routine that incorporates the treadmill, bike and elliptical to avoid getting bored with my workouts. Roger does a mix of all 3 and I hate how much more he sweats than me! Dang men! I really hate sweating... I need to get over that!
     I have two months until life is going to get crazy with the nursing program. But I have a plan for that, too. Next week Holly and I are doing a 33 meal Instant Pot freezer meal prep boot camp. This is going to help so much when school starts. The Instant Pot has really helped us eat at home more, not to mention it makes some pretty delicious food!
     I'm gonna do another dress fitting soon, I think I'm just nervous. I'm thinking I may do it before our girls trip to Vegas for some motivation to not get too off track while we're there. We'll see!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Holy January!

I really can't believe it is already the 25th of January. This month is seriously flying by. Probably because it has been so eventful already! I realized today that I missed a couple of weekends of the blog, so wanted to get an update in tonight!

My dream of nursing school became a reality this week! I got my official acceptance letter to the BSN Program at Colorado Christian University. I am in the 3rd week of 5 of my last pre-req (Stats... eek!) right now, and then I get a 3 month break (yeah, right!) off of classes before the program begins May 1st. Before Monday I didn't realize that it was possible to feel every imaginable emotion in 12 hours time. I really felt everything... from excitement to worry to anxiety to happiness to worry... you get the picture! The next two years will quite possibly be the craziest time of my life. But I am ready to take it on! Not to mention I have the most amazing support in the world! My parents, who have been amazing my whole life and have encouraged me to always do whatever it is I might currently be dreaming of (and let me tell you... this has changed MANY times) and my fiance who puts up with my craziness every single day. Sometimes I feel like he is always a step ahead of me. We really do make the very best team and I am so lucky to have him. Friends, coworkers, extended family, everyone... I am so blessed and have truly felt it this week! I seriously could keep going on and on!

Now on to wedding progress! Roger and I have found our wedding song! At the beginning of all of this planning we joked that we were going to have the longest wedding playlist in the history of weddings, because there would be so many good songs that came out between then and the wedding. Well we definitely didn't plan on deciding on a small detail like our first dance song so soon, but it has happened! It is a song that we had put on the "short list" thinking that list would become a very long list before too long. It wasn't until we saw the music video that we decided on it, and it couldn't be more perfect. No details... but just know that it's perfect and I've got visions!

The girl's trip to Vegas is pretty much planned! So excited to spend a couple days with the girls looking at wedding venues and having a little fun! This is a part of the planning that I know will be fun! Especially if it means a few extra trips to Vegas between now and then... shucks!

No real exciting dress progress to share just yet, but we're getting there. I finally have my head in a great place again diet and exercise wise and am so excited to post some dress progress soon! My workout this morning was actually a little easier than it has been and it might be time to kick it up a notch! I have lost 11 pounds so far in January and am thinking I might do another fitting soon. Most importantly, though, I feel so great! 

Life really is great and 2017 is shaping up to be one of the best years yet!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Well hello there, 2017!

     This week I really have been reminded why I started this journey a few years ago. I can truly say, for the first time in a VERY long time, I feel amazing! I really feel like everything is clicking for me again. My workouts don't seem like work, and my will power is so on point that avoiding temptation is almost easy. This is how I felt before, and it feels so good to feel this way again.
     It was a successful week in many ways. Back in the kitchen this week with many home cooked dinners... some in my new Instant Pot (which I absolutely love!!!)! We went out to dinner one night this week, but I was able to stay on track. On The Border actually has a really great light menu, and I was able to stay away from the chips and queso. Was faced with chips and queso again at lunch yesterday, and was able to walk away with a chip count of 0! With great tasting food, you really don't feel deprived at all!
     I refound my love for reading on the treadmill this week too! It is so nice to read something other than a text book... and it makes the time on the treadmill go by so fast! Looking forward to many great reads this year!
     This morning has already been a productive morning, too. Dinners are planned for the week... I've been to the gym... and weekly grocery shopping is done! Lots of yummy dinners planned this week! Really hoping this motivation keeps rolling. It sure does feel great.
     All of this resulted ina 7.8 pound loss this week!!!
     I am even excited about my wedding dress again, which, I have to admit, has been the last thing on my mind for the past couple of months. Hopefully a fitting is in my future... 😊

Monday, January 2, 2017

What a year!

     For the past few weeks I have seen so many Facebook posts saying "Good riddance, 2016" and more comments to the same effect. I really can't say this is true for us. 2016 was a great year for Roger and I, and while I am sad to see it go, I am so excited to see what 2017 has in store for us!
     There were some great additions to our family in 2016! In February, our new niece, Kennedy, was born. She has the sweetest personality and is a total love bug! In March we welcomed a new nephew, Eliason, and in July we were blessed with a granddaughter, Claire. We can't wait to meet these two new loves in July, when we are planning a trip to Minnesota for the 4th!
     We had a baseball road trip through the southern states planned for the summer, but school threw a wrench it that. We made the best of it, though, and were able to make it to 3 new ballparks, bringing our total to 10! In May we went to San Diego where we saw the Dodgers play the Padres -- what a great rivalry to experience! We also got to go to Sea World (which we both loved!), and spent a breezy day at the beach. In July, our baseball travels took us to Cincinnati where we met up with over 100 other "STAMPeders" for the first annual Ballpark Stampede. For those of you that don't know, Roger and I belong to a group of some really great people who share our interest of baseball. We have a Ballpark Passport book that we take to every ballpark with us and we "Get Validated!" at every park. The passport is much like a US Passport and each ballpark has different validation stations, usually guest services or a team store, where we take our passport to get it stamped. I like to call this "getting our stamp on!" Tim, the developer of the Ballpark Passport, is an amazing man (and now a great friend!). He arranged a great day for all of us in Cincinnati. We took a tour of the Reds Hall of Fame and the ballpark, had a question and answer session with some Reds Hall of Famers, watched batting practice, and watched the Reds take on the Diamondback. It was a fun packed day, and we met so many great people! While in Cincinnati, we also got to meet up with my friend Betsy and her husband, Jesse, and daughter, Eisley. We had a great dinner with them at a really great BBQ restaurant! Roger even talked Betsy into taking us to a local brewery near their house. It really was a great weekend! Our final baseball trip was to Atlanta in September. This was the final season for Turner Field, so we knew we had to knock that stadium out before the Braves finished playing there. We were able to meet up with quite a few STAMPeders at this game as well. Roger's cousin, Leah, flew in to Atlanta from Florida and spent the weekend with us. We had such a great time! Along with the Braves game, we went to an Atlanta Falcons game and toured Coca Cola world. Such great memories!
     The Thanksgiving Caribbean cruise is still so fresh in our minds! I think it is safe to say we wish we were still there! We really had a great time with the group we were with! Our dining room servers, Leo and Adis, were awesome and made each night's meal worth going to the dining room for! We spent some time at the beach and got to interact with Stingrays in the Bahamas. Spent another day at the beach (in some amazing water!) in St. Thomas, visited a local baseball stadium (I know, shocker!) in San Juan, and another beach day in Grand Turk. Roger discovered his love for snorkeling on this trip! We had so much fun we already have another cruise booked for next year!
     Oh, and how could I forget.... ??? I got something shiny in May! Ahhh! I am so lucky that this ring represents the love between Roger and I. Every time I look at it, I think about the day I will become his wife. The wedding planning has been so fun so far, and I can't wait to see how the day pans out! One thing is for sure, it is going to be a great day celebrating us!
     School is going great as well. I am just finishing up my pre-reqs and submitted my BSN program application last week. Fingers crossed! I should know by the end of February!
     2016 was great, and I am confident that 2017 will be even better! 2017 is going to be the year I make myself a priority. Not only is it my year to get healthy, but it is my year to stay healthy! Thank you everyone for your support so far. Keep hanging on... the best is yet to come!